Microsoft Windows Ultra Violet Radio Waves
Binary code is a universal language that is used for coding in computers. It uses '0' and '1', which essentially translates to 'off' and 'on', respectively. For example, in a transistor, '0' means no electricity is flowing, whilst '1' means there is a flow of electricity. Binary code converts all information into '0s' and '1s' to enable easy calculations. Any code that uses just two symbols is technically a binary code. For instance, in Morse code, 'dots' and 'dashes' represent letters, and in Braille, 'raised' and 'unraised' bumps convey information.
Number codes:
0: 00110000 The last six digits are the hex color frequency
1: 00110001 The last six digits are the hex color frequency
Color Shift 100010 UltraViolet + 001000 Complementary Color
UltraViolet in Edit Mode in the HTML Editor is "Teal", The Color of The Windows Desktop
Highlight Color on UltraViolet is True Blue, Light Blue if you are standing up.
Viewing angle is the subject.
UltraViolet Radio Waves, Smile2Smile Early Research 1995-1998
First found in Microsoft Windows Media Player
Microsoft Windows Ultra Violet Radio Waves
Ultra Violet Radio Waves first detected in Microsoft Media Player during Video Over The Internet Research at Inasec Data Corporation 1996-1998 at 29 Beechwood Avenue Ottawa, Canada.
Ultra Violet Radio Waves first detected in Microsoft Media Player during Video Over The Internet Research at Inasec Data Corporation 1996-1998 at 29 Beechwood Avenue Ottawa, Canada.
Qam signal at RGB #71B7B9 Quadrature teletype visually using a Hauppage Video Capture Board and a Web Camera.
Violet Color Frequency #333366
Disturbing Dry Blood Color Frequency #663333
Windows is simply very large DOS Screens compressed onto
smaller device windows
Setting the DOS Command Window and DOS Terminal Window
to #CCCC99 and clicking with a mouse on the DOS Box
reveals the square that shows you the light frequency.
The center color frequency of Microsoft Windows is
#99CCCC Aqua
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Only Believe that nothing is impossible
I have 47 years experience studying the virtual holodeck.
I have 26 years of Biblical Research Experience
I have 15 years of Military Communications Research Specialist 1981-1995 Experience including Global Communications and Satellite Communications
Military Occupation Code 291
Canadian Decoration and NATO Clasp
Other qualifications
FCC Facility Control Center (NATO Lahr, Germany)
RADFAC Radio Facility (NATO Lahr, Germany)
Dell XPS Technical Support Specialist
Compaq Consumer Technical Support Specialist
17 years experience as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses expelled in 2017. I have not been a part of their cult or any part of Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society since then. They are The Cult of JHOH, a part of The Jovian Cult. I am a cult prisoner in a pretty prison with perfect optics. My life is totally controlled by them.
CIA Submission Reference ID: GVZSH6TV
My identity found through research
Summer Fernihalgh
Summer, Empress of Austria (Rome)
Summer, Queen of Britannia VCRNAI
Summer, Duchess of Normandy (d'As Sisi, Duchess like Sisi)
Summer, Princess of Lancashire
The name of St. Francis, San Francesco d’Assisi is a prophecy about me.
Elizabeth I of Austria nickname "Sisi"
Microsoft Windows background color cc
Legal name Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Dead name Daniel Edward McTaggart
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), a birth defect
Legal name change in my purse.
Elizabeth II
Tiffany R