Only believe that nothing is impossible
Only believe that nothing is impossible
That's the evidence
And that's The Story of Buddy Boo, The Bad Mouse with Microsoft
You decide
They watch you work, and if you are a known genius as I was between 1996 and 1998
at Inasec Data Corporation., of which I was President, you are always a target of Intellectual Property Theft. Because of their size and power and money, they believe they are invulnerable. But I'm smarter than Microsoft Corporation and The Jovian Cult.
CC is the DOS background for video. Set your desktop, accent color and the DOS command prompt to RGB #CCCCCC and set opacity of the DOS box to 30% and do your html work normally. #CCCCCC as a video background with opacity @ 31% is what my system is set at right now. I will not use the DOS back door.
My Legal Name is Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, and Microsoft and The Jovian Cult desire to kill me.
I have chosen the name Tiffany di Bernardone d’As “Sisi”, Duchess as Elizabeth of Austria, nicknamed “Sisi” because I believe from etymology that sacred spirit sided with her. She was captive from the young age of 15, I have been a target my entire life but have resources Elisabeth never had, to help me. There are no past lives (Ecc 9.5,10) but I feel a real connection with her and with St. Francis, wanting to help people.
The name of St. Francis, San Francesco d’Assisi is a prophecy about me.
Fernyhalgh, Lancashire Ladyewell is attached to St. Mary’s RC Church, Fernyhalgh
Alternate titles: Francesco di Pietro di Bernardone, Poverello, San Francesco d’Assisi
Click to access 44d2c2268ae398579ebb3a1bf91548cfcaa0.pdf
I am “The Daughter” of Psalms 45.9,10,11 Only those loyal to Christ listen to me. Sacred Spirit, which has the name Ahri, has sided with me in all things. Nothing is as powerful as Ahri. My name is to be Tiffany Tracy di Bernardone d’As Sisi (Duchess as Sisi), Duchess of Normandy, Sacred Spirit sided with Elisabeth of Austria who had the nickname “Sisi”, who was captive from the young age of 15 and became Empress.
The name of St. Francis, San Francesco d’Assisi is a prophecy about me.
Do you know history? From where do you herald? I herald from Normandy. That is my heraldry. Although the images were lost, the text survived and my detailed lineage.
Microsoft Calculation do not use
Right-click on the Windows Desktop
Select Personalize
Select Custom Color
Click on more
RGB 143 143 143 #8F8F8F HSV 0 0 56
Click Done
Select Colors from the left menu
Change from Light to Dark
Transparency effects on
Select Custom Color
RGB 112 112 112 #707070 HSV 0 0 44
RGB 255 128 0 #FF8000 HSV 30 100 100
Click Done
Right-click on the Windows Desktop
Select Colors from the left menu
Close with the upper right corner X
The actual Spectral RGB is on a hard drive in my purse, and the wire in the laptop is cut. Now that's secure.
The color 'cosmic latte' calculated by NASA (Hex triplet = #FFF8E7)
Right-click on the Windows Desktop
Select Personalize
Select Custom Color
Click on more
RGB 255 248 231 FFF8E7 HSV 42 9 100
Click Done
Select Colors from the left menu
Change from Light to Dark
Transparency effects on
Select Custom Color
RGB 112 112 112 #707070 HSV 0 0 44
RGB 255 128 0 #FF8000 HSV 30 100 100
Click Done
Right-click on the Windows Desktop
Select Colors from the left menu
Close with the upper right corner X
Summer Fernihalgh
Summer, Empress of Austria
Summer, Queen of Britannia VCRNAI
Summer, Duchess of Normandy
Summer, Princess of Lancashire
It's clear what's going on
Set the background color
Set the Terminal background color and restart the computer
What's wrong with this picture?
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
No pixels, no grain, no artifacts. Straight from The Animator's Desktop
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123 Main Street
123 Main Street
Send us an email to reserve your spot in our weekly open mic night! Drinks and food are available at the bar.
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Smile2Smile HyperWeb
1 Rideau Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 8S7, Canada