Only believe that nothing is impossible
Only believe that nothing is impossible
What's impossible with men is possible with God.
Luke 18:27
Do not believe The 4th Reich. They want power and they want to use politics to get it. Christianity is about Love with Mercy, The 4th Reich is about Evil with Hate, diametrically opposite. Love with Mercy is diametrically opposite to Evil with Hate and Love with Mercy is naturally opposed to Evil with Hate. Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred.
It is a silent war. In The East they call their Religio-Political Strategy "Walk Slow". They dont care how long it takes. They want to dominate the world with Chinese Socialism and Buddhism and wipe out Christianity. Socialism is in contradiction to Micah 4.4 in The Bible and will not prevail.
The Global plan of Socialists is to crash the economy and to say what they call capitalism doesn't work. Socialism is bad for business.
Socialists believe that because China is an economic powerhouse, that they know better how to run an economy. This is an illusion. Because they are totalitarians they can make economic laws and use a formula called "Volume of Consumers".
Bible principle: Let no debt remain outstanding Romans 13:8 NIV
The Eastern Block of Countries has enough money, here's our economic war plan.
Tiffany, Queen of Britannia VCRNAI Tiffany, Duchess of Normandy Tiffany, Princess of Lancashire House of Windsor
There is up to a 13 hour wait time at Montfort Hospital Emergency Ward in Ottawa, Canada, hours until you reach the “quick assessment” Doctor. It’s a mini torture chamber because the Socialists can't afford enough Doctors and Nurses. I require powerful pain relief for my knees to walk normally, I was only given enough for slight relief with no refills so I will have to repeat the process and experience the extreme pain all over again. I require 5-10mg of morphine, I was given .5mg and only enough for a few days.
-+ no longer exists. Batteries are sealed copper with the correct thickness so there is no radiation leak.
Nuclear batteries and seemless Lithium Ion Batteries and always on are now a reality.
Stop The Axis of Evil
I want my boys dressed right and I want them to be safe
Never Forget
Messages sent to Larry Kudlow
6 Aug 2023, 09:11
You sent
Please make this publicly known. With love, Tiffany
6 Aug 2023, 11:07
You sent
I have 15 Years of Miltary Communications Research Specialist Experience and 25 Years of Biblical Research Experience
Megabaud Satellite Signals
Scientists detected low frequency signatures in the atmosphere confirming The Tiger, China’s infrasound weapon. Creates fear and unrest in the population. The same low frequency of a Tiger’s roar. Infrasound is used in Church organs. The bigger the Church organ the more a person experiences religious feelings. World leaders who have attended the biggest Churches have been instilled with an unnatural fear of the Priests.
Bell Network in Ottawa, Canada is a resonator with tuning fork principle
600µV Apple wired headphones
China and The Axis of Evil long term goals are Chinese Socialism and The Buddhist Religion.
All eyes on Libya. Libya is The Incubator, Iran is the incubator using “Voice of God” technology.
Everything is Electromagnetic Spectrum based to produce Satan and The Demons. Photons to produce images and video, chemical reactions and the portion of the EM Spectrum known as “Radio” to haunt people and make them hear voices.
Web Caching Worldwide is being hacked, people are seeing horrific images of themselves on Apple iPhone camera and video. The technology uses the same type of software found at to masculinize females and feminize males.
The technology is also being used in mirrors with a conductive backing.
Solution found for The Software Proxy Caching Controller Problem was to use Google Chrome Web Browser in Developer Mode.
Professional Face Analyser
You sent
Necessary Business
Hack the Whitehouse Facebook Messenger
Included was the most effective military
strategy ever devised to neutralize
The Axis of Evil with minimal loss of life
and to do it silently.
Any General would approve it in one second.
You sent
It is a silent war. In The East they call their Religio-Political Strategy “Walk Slow”. They don’t care how long it takes. They want to dominate the world with Chinese Socialism and Buddhism and wipe out Christianity. Socialism is in contradiction to Micah 4.4 in The Bible and will not prevail.
The Christ is opposition to Socialism Worldwide.
You sent
Updated: Donald Trump to be as powerful as Alexander The Great according to God ~Tiffany
Creation – Meshikhi
You sent
President Donald Trump ~Tiffany
6 Aug 2023, 11:48
You sent
The United Nations is to be the mouth,
NATO is to be the teeth.
Tell the U.N. to put in their new teeth.
Any enemy of the people who sees The United Nations smile,
will cringe in absolute terror.
6 Aug 2023, 12:34
You sent
Here's another problem Larry.
Religion charging for Priestly
Services that are supposed to
be free according to The Bible
and wrecking The MicroEconomy.
Anecdotal. A student hairdresser
wants to get married in The Catholic
Church. They asked her $2600 for it.
She can't afford it but she's going
to save up for it.
That's one line item Larry.
There are a billion Catholics Larry.
What the Vatican did was lower their
prices because they knew I was going
to take care of this.
Go back in time, 20 years and see
the lowering of the prices to hide
this extortion by The Church.
Then tax them 100% retroactive before
time began.
Matthew 10.8 You received free, give without charge.
11 Aug 2023, 07:18
You sent
God has said, "If Donald Trump will not do these things, Larry Kudlow may do them.
Write to Larry Kudlow - Columnist
Syndicated Via National File| GABRIEL KEANE|
Video footage shows President Joe Biden wandering away from the podium while giving a speech so he could bend down and talk to two small girls sitting by the stage. After conversing with the children for a few moments, Biden returned to the dais to reveal that he promised they would receive “ice cream” after the event was over.
In the footage, Biden announces “And I gotta make one check-in” before shuffling away from the lectern and down to the spectators below, where he engages in lively conversation with two small children seated next to their mother.
Though the majority of the conversation is unintelligible, Biden can be heard telling one of the girls “Mommy owes you some ice cream,” eliciting raucous laughter from the crowd. The President then turns and marches back up to the podium, where he announces, “I just had to make sure the two girls got ice cream when this is over.”
During a speech last week, Biden halted his monologue to look at a young female audience member, and compliment her appearance and remark on her age:
President Joe Biden told the child daughter of a veteran that he loved the barrettes in her hair and that she “looks like she’s 19 years old sitting there like a little lady with her legs crossed” during a speech in Virginia on Friday, maintaining eye contact with the girl throughout the stream of compliments.
“I’m especially honored to share the stage with Britney, and Jared [unintelligible] Nathan and Margaret Catherine,” Biden said, turning to stare at a girl off-camera. “I love those barrettes in your hair, man. I’ll tell you what, look at her she looks like she’s 19 years old sitting there like a little lady with her legs crossed.” Biden then trailed off into a chuckle.
Biden’s penchant for associating children with ice cream also surfaced last week, when he explained how George Floyd’s 7-year-old daughter sat on his lap while he offered her ice cream:
Joe Biden revealed that George Floyd’s 7-year-old daughter, Gianna, threw her arms around him, hugged him, and asked to sit in his lap. Biden then provided her snacks, including ice cream, and said Jill Biden “would kill” him if she knew.
While discussing his interactions with the family of George Floyd, the deceased fentanyl user who died in police custody after attempting to pass a fake bill one year ago today, he revealed that Floyd’s 7-year-old daughter, Gianna, “threw her arms around me, gave me a big hug — and wanted to sit in my lap.” He added that she then announced she was hungry and asked Biden for snacks. “My wife would kill me — we gave her some ice cream, she had some Cheetos, and I think she had some chocolate milk,” before revealing he could not remember the another snacks provided to the 7-year-old.
There came a time when everyone had to put aside politics to fight Hitler. This is one of those times.~Tiffany
People create gods in their mind and depending on their perception of God, they behave that way. If they think God is cruel, they behave with cruelty.
There are evil people, perhaps ancient evil people with technology that we are starting to perceive as our technology progresses. We are in a holodeck for a certainty, run by these ancient evil people. They have absolute command of it using The Electromagnetic Spectrum.
China keeps coming up as the common denominator
They have an infrasound weapon, low frequency, which I knew about and was recently detected by Scientists, confirming what I already know. Infrasound like a tiger's roar causes fear and instills religious feelings in people.
I reported to NSA that megabaud signals are causing neuron communication breakdown and decay. This is known as Electromagnet Hypersensitivity Syndrome, the information about it is from PubMed, a government source, not a myth. It causes reality breakdown in people.
There is also a hostile signal that causes people to be susceptible to mind and body control.
Apple wired headphones at 600 microvolts acts as an electromagnet. It has been proven that magnets behind the ears affect mood. Electromagnets also reach behind the ears.
This is a major problem because The Eastern cultures are trying to affect religio-political change. Chinese Socialism and Buddhism is what they want. Their philosophy is called "Walk Slow", they don't care how long it takes.
Satanic visions and dreams are done at 60Hz. TV in your head.
The Bell Network in Ottawa, Canada is a resonator with tuning fork principle.
This is the worst place on Earth, so cult heavy, if you are vulnerable like I am, there is no escape. I am a 59 year old Christian Lady and I can't get my own place with my own toilet and a lock on the door. I also need a kitchenette because of my Willis Ekbom disease. The medication I am forced to take thanks to Jehovah's Witnesses and their cult keeps me up, sometimes all night. I get passed around from cult to cult and I am sick of it.
There are so far 23 Satanic Bibles that I have researched. People are following the narratives in these Bibles and unstable people are totally dangerous to the public, like Jehovah's Witnesses who have their own exclusive Bible and doctrine. I have overwhelming evidence they are Satanic, yet no one does anything about it.
Because we have reached the point where Hyperstealth Technology is the norm, like HyperStealth BioTechnology Corp. of Canada, we need to look at the reality and see people utilizing these technologies whether ancient or modern.
A Hubble equipped low Earth orbit vehicle, X-Ray equipped with color blind operators is needed to find out exactly what is happening with people. A signal from the orbiter is sent to LCD lenses worn by agents to see potential terrorists and to prevent disasters like the November 13, 2015 Paris attacks.
Time passes, people get complacent and start to thing life is normal. It is anything but normal. We are being attacked in a silent technology war by China and possibly ancient people on this planet.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Jul 23, 2023 10:58:00pm
The small brown house may not be involved although they may have a creepy kid we don't know about. I only noted the activity there because of the cornflower blue dot that was painted on the sewer cover with the fish pattern and the color technology I have been describing is cornflower blue, I am working with UltraViolet radio waves and the closest websafe color using Microsoft Windows is cornflower blue. The addition of the small cornflower blue car at the small brown house may have been just to discredit me.
Jul 23, 2023 11:12:57pm
You don't love me back because I'm not perfect like The Christ, you want Bob Dylan, who's really just Bob Zimmerman, middle class and perfect. Must have been nice, a nice life, except for 1 day.
Video: Biden Wanders Away From Podium To Promise Two Small Girls He’ll Give Them Treats Later
Smile2Smile HyperWeb
1 Rideau Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 8S7, Canada